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Trees of Life

Looking for a gift for someone difficult? This ultra-light two-layer Tree of Life comes in 10", 12" 15", and 16"+ stained and finished with polyurethane. 


So Light, one small nail from which to hang this beautiful piece is all you will need. 

A photo does not convey how stunning Tree of Life 1 is. Our single-layer mandala is striking with stain alone, or fully decorated with stained roots and limbs and just the leaves airbrushed green, lightly dusted with gold, and gloss finished (leaves). 

These Trees of Life are mounted either on a full disk or a cut out tire (or donut). Hardware is supplied and may vary. These can be larger if you would like - up to 24" upon special request.


Click the "Let's Chat" button to ask how we can make one especially for your home décor. .

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